joi, 14 februarie 2008


Can you forgive all the mistakes made by your best side?...can you make her feel like there's no tomorrow?...can you tell her that all the world is moving around her? can you make the sacrifice and let her go if feels the need? can you let your selfishness aside and cut her loose just for the sake of love? love builds up it doesn't hit you's hard especially when you are not seen, aren't appreciated for your actions....
Walk off your anger and never look back

tell me all you people what to you understand out of this text...

5 comentarii:

alicia spunea...

why let her go?why cut her loose?...why don't u keep her?

rusty spunea...

you personify...interesting...the "it" becomes "she"(you give "its" the shape of "her")...if your actions comprise love then the sacrifice (if this is to be made) should be made not for her...not for you...but for the "you" that arises from "we"-the exquisite your reasons...

Red spunea...

the "we" doesn't exist if there is no mutual accord...and if i love and "it/she" wants to go...i have to make the sacrifice for "it/her" not for "we or if us"...

Straina! spunea...

is "she" real? or just the wish of someone? :)

Red spunea...

"she" is you to be...and me to be the one that has have to wish to be me the one that makes you "she"